Pet Scams

Pet scams take place when you see a pet advertised online, are asked to pay a deposit or full price of the pet, only to find that the pet you have purchased does not exist, and you have been defrauded.

The scam has been in existence for a number of years, but reported incidents increased substantially during the COVID-19 pandemic, when pets became more popular as people sought comfort and company during respective lockdowns. Fraudsters exploited this situation, and also the enforced travel restrictions and social distancing, making it difficult to view pets in person.

In some cases, the fraud continues after the initial payment is made, with the perpetrators requesting additional payments, purportedly to cover costs such as vaccinations, insurance and delivery.

The majority of fraudulent advertisements for pets appear on specific pet selling platforms, online marketplaces and social media, in that order.

Protect yourself against pet scams

 If you are considering purchasing a pet from a website or individual not personally known to and trusted by you, research them as thoroughly as possible. Look for and read reviews from other buyers. If the platform is an online marketplace, check out the seller’s feedback history before proceeding.

  • Always view the animal in person, making sure you can also see the mother and the rest of the litter (if any siblings). If you are unable to do so, request a video call on Zoom, Teams, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger or one of the many other commonly available methods. If the seller tells you that you cannot either have a video or see the animal’s mother, ask them why, remembering that fraudsters are experienced in deception and manipulation.
  • Do not make any payments – however small – unless you are certain that the animal exists and meets your expectations, including its background.
  •  Never pay by bank transfer, as it will be difficult or impossible to recover your money if it is a scam, or there is a problem with the animal itself. You will stand more chance of getting your money back if you pay by credit card or a payment service such as PayPal.

 If you fall victim to a pet scam

 If you think you have been a victim of fraud, contact your bank immediately and report it to the police.


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