Archives: Articles

Texting & Sexting

The same advice applies to texting as it does to emailing or social networking: children could be duped into thinking they’re texting (and being texted by) someone they know, whereas in fact it’s a stranger who is on the other end. Not only this, but sending explicit images or video to schoolfriends and other acquaintances […]

Protecting Passwords

Your child’s passwords are the key to their online life, just as yours are for you. You know the importance of choosing safe passwords … and keeping them to yourself. For your child, it may not be so obvious.


Unlike when they’re meeting someone face-to-face, children don’t always know who they’re actually ‘talking’ to online, even if they think they do. This makes it easy for someone who may want to hurt your child, to pretend they are someone else and become their ‘friend’.


Online bullying – like bullying in the playground, street or home – can cause children misery. You should guide your child to always tell you if this is happening to them.

Privacy & Identity Theft

You should make your children aware that they mustn’t reveal any information that allows a stranger access to their or your personal or financial information.


Unfortunately, social networking sites are a very popular place for people trying to trip you or your child up. Your child will probably not be as cautious as you are, so you need to point out the dangers.

Viruses & Other Malware

Most of us know about the dangers and consequences of our computers and maybe mobile devices being infected with malware, but is your child aware of the issues? And if they are, does it bother them?

If Your Child is Aged 13 or Over

Advice if your child is aged 13 or over

If Your Child is Aged 10 to 12

Advice if your child is aged 10 to 12 Set some boundaries for your child before they get their first ‘connected device’ (mobile, tablet, laptop or games console). Once they have it, it can be more difficult to change the way they use it or the settings. Tell your child that it’s very important to […]

If Your Child is Aged 6 to 9

If your child is aged 6 to 9 years old