Archives: Articles

Smart TVs

Smart TVs (also known as Connected TVs) integrate television with the internet. When connected to the internet, they enable you to search and find videos, movies, photos and other content on the web by interacting via your remote control – or with some models via your smartphone or tablet. Therefore you can search the internet, […]

Replacing Windows XP

Despite the frequent introduction by Microsoft of newer versions of its Windows operating system over the years, some business and home PC users are still using Windows XP, which was replaced back in 2007. However, Microsoft ceased support for XP in 2014 and therefore no longer issues updates, security patches, bug fixes and Microsoft Security Essentials […]

Contactless Payments

Contactless technology is becoming increasingly commonplace as a means of making payments or sending information. The process – enabled by a technology known as Near Field Communication (NFC) – works by means of a wireless chip containing the user’s payment card details, embedded in a mobile phone (identified by the symbol shown on this page) […]

Telephone Banking Fraud

Telephone banking fraud is a scam which is becoming increasingly commonplace. The fraudsters do not actually scam their victims online, but use the telephone to do so. Here’s how it works:

Copycat Websites

Copycat websites are those which offer services from government departments or local government, but are not the official site and charge an often substantial premium for those services, often with no tangible benefit to the customer. They achieve this by using website tools to achieve high positions in search engines such as Google, often ranking […]

Parental Control Software

As well as engaging with your child to educate and guide them through a safe digital life – and so that you fully understand the latest developments – it makes good sense to take advantage of the filters and controls which you can use to reduce the chance that they will come across inappropriate or […]

Your Child and Social Networking

Social networking has been – and still is – one of the revolutions of the online age and when used correctly is an excellent way of keeping in touch with friends and family. But it can also be a source of harm for your child (or for you and other family members, via your child). […]

Gaming and Your Child

Online games can be great fun for children, but there are several risks involved, which you can reduce with the correct approach.

Copying & Cheating

The internet is a great resource for research for your child’s homework and coursework. Unfortunately, however, it can be very easy and tempting to copy information straight from a website and pass it off as his or her own work, which represents plariarism. There are even many websites that offer essays and coursework for sale.

Safe Browsing

Just being able to use the internet does certainly not mean that your child has the maturity or experience to handle everything they might find there.