Archives: Articles
Two-Factor Authentication
Two-factor authentication – often abbreviated to 2FA – is when a second step is added to the process of logging into your online accounts which require confidentiality, as an additional security layer. These include your email accounts, bank accounts, social media and other websites where you have to log in securely with a username (or […]
Fleeceware is the name given to mobile apps which overcharge users for functions or features that are widely available in free or other low-cost alternatives. In fact, they are developed with the sole purpose of doing so. Typically, the apps cater for hobbies such as photography and music, but have also been found in QR […]
Pyramid Schemes
A pyramid scheme is a type of scam that promises the victim a fast and substantial return on an investment of money which is paid to the person ‘above’ them in the pyramid. The victim is also required to recruit a number of people to be ‘beneath’ them in the pyramid, in turn collecting their […]
Helping Keep Students Safe Online
A student’s life is a busy one. So busy that when they’re online – which is almost certainly quite a lot of the time – they could be too busy to think about whether what they’re doing is safe and secure. Add to this the fact that young people tend to take greater risks than […]
Behaving Respectfully Online
One of the most important things about any community is that its members maintain respect for others in that community. That’s whether it’s a club, business, suburb or city. Or the virtual community of 4.8 billion internet users around the world. As we all know, however, this isn’t always the case, with many people either […]
Online Gender-Based Violence
The internet has transformed our ability to obtain information, communicate with others, express our views, share our experiences and engage in conversations about any topic of our choice. Technology has made it possible to reach vast audiences at once, or just individuals or small groups. In turn, this accessibility and freedom of expression play a […]
Safe Remittances
As somebody from Malawi living and working in another country, you may send remittances (money transfers) back home. These payments could be for your family to buy essentials or to maintain their standard of living, to pay for accommodation or education, or to help with businesses. It could also be to help deal with natural […]
Changing wireless passwords/SSIDs
Your wireless router needs a password to let you connect your computers, mobile devices and smart devices over Wi-Fi. Routers frequently come with a password that is common to all of the others provided by your ISP. If this is the case, you should change yours to ensure the router remains secure. You may also […]
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)
Virtual Private Networks all perform the same basic service: providing end-to-end encryption for any data sent through them. This encryption does not stop your data from being intercepted … but merely means that the person reading the content of your data is faced with unintelligible text.
Misinformation & Fake News
The internet is an invaluable tool for finding useful, authoritative information on anything from news and current affairs to DIY, health to history, celebrities to Coronavirus. However, it is also littered with misleading information: that which has been originated and shared by people who are misinformed about the subject, and that which has been deliberately […]